John R. Christian / Images
Off the Island of Espiritu Santo - Vanuatu - Water colour

"HMS Resolution" had beautiful Stern for the period, reclining Greek male and female flanked by 2 lions. A voyage of discovery.
Based on journal of captain Cook aboard HMS Resolution with HMS Adventure - second voyage
Thursday 25th August 1774
After doubling the Cape we found the Coast trend away to the South and to form a very large and deep bay of which the land above mentioned was its western boundaries. Every thing conspired to make us believe this was the Bay of St Philip and St James discovered by Quiros in 1606. To determine this point it was necessary to search it to the very bottom for at this time we could see no end to it,
For more information visit https://www.johnchristian-seapictures.com/water-colours---georgian-navy.html