joe stevens / News / Fri 19 Jun 2009
Olympics comes to Glastonbury Festival

Thanks to the Cultural Olympiad, the line up at this year’s Glastonbury Festival will include myself!
I have been selected for the Glastonbury Festival Big Screens,, which is made up of two 25msq screens and is hosted by the arts council and the BBC. They have told me that the Village screen will be showcasing the work of some of the best new digital artists, film-making talent, VJs and games developers from around the UK. They have chosen 7 artists to be at the site to show their work, network and have a play with the possibilities.
I will be showing my abstract animations on the Village Screen. It’s very exciting to be able to show my work at Glastonbury. This is a unique festival and being part of the event and working with the screen team will I'm sure be a stimulating experience. This is the first time the arts council have attempted showing audiovisual works here and I feel very lucky to have been selected.
The Village Screen project is a collaboration led by the Region’s 2012 Creative Programmer, Glastonbury Festival, Team South West and Relays (Legacy Trust UK programme) and including the UK’s network of Creative Programmers, screen agencies and the BBC’s Live Sites team.
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