Jo Atherton / Events / Sat 03 May to Sat 28 Jun 2014 (2 months)
Invitation to Private View of 'Flotsam' at Space2, Watford

Jo Atherton invites you to the Private View for her forthcoming solo exhibition, Flotsam, at Space2 Gallery, Watford Museum.
The exhibition showcases her unique tapestries, comprised completely of flotsam and marine debris gathered from shorelines around the world. Through her striking weavings, it is possible to examine our throwaway culture and question the untold stories of the orphaned objects used in her work - who owned them and how did they arrive on a beach?
The Private View takes place on Saturday 3rd May from 4-6pm. It will be an opportunity to have a drink and enjoy a first glimpse of this new collection of flotsam tapestries, despite Watford’s distance from the coast!
To attend the Private View, please RSVP to Watford Museum either by email (info@watfordmuseum.org.uk) or phone 01923 232297.
The exhibition runs until 28th June and can be viewed Thursday – Sunday in Watford Museum.
To find out more about Jo’s work, please visit her website, http://www.flotsamweaving.com.
For more information visit http://flotsamweaving.com/2014/04/20/private-view-invitation/
Event Location
Watford Museum
194 Lower High Street
WD17 2DT
WD17 2AH
Telephone: 01923 232 297
Email: info@watfordmuseum.org.uk
Website: http://flotsamweaving.com/2014/04/20/private-view-invitation/