JJ's Arts Academy

JJ's Arts Academy / News / Wed 28 Mar 2018

Spring Giveaway!

Spring Giveaway!

We are giving away 2018 minutes of FREE instrumental/vocal lessons to celebrate the first day of Spring!!! That’s 67 hours of tuition!!! Each lesson given away is 30 minutes long so 134 people could get their first try at an instrument! Wow!!

New beginnings start with just one step and so to start your journey playing the drums, guitar, keyboard or singing, SHARE this post and COMMENT with which instrument interests you or your child.

Lucy will then PM you to organise your free lesson!!!

It’s easy!!!

So, Happy Spring and come and try a new instrument to celebrate those lighter evenings and warmer weather (we hope!).

Examples of classes you could try;

Adults class Tues 6pm

Adult class Tues 6pm
8-12yrs Tues 5pm

and many, many more

For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/JJsArtsAcademy/

News Location

JJs Arts Academy

11 st Pauls Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP

Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/JJsArtsAcademy/

News Details


