JJ's Arts Academy / News / Mon 07 Sep 2015
Now Open for the New Academic Year!

JJ's Arts Academy opens its doors again today after the summer holidays.
Although normal classes have not run, JJ's Arts academy has been far from closed over the summer Holidays. There have been numerous workshops taking place including Photography Skills, Play in a Day workshops and Theory Bootcamps.
JJ's has also has lots of work done over the summer inside and out. This academic year sees 3 new teachers joining the team at JJ's, so studios have had to be re-jigged and redecorated ready for the new classes. We also have a fabulous new sign up outside big enough for all the world to see which looks great on the freshly painted building.
With new teachers, new studios and a new academic year ahead, there has never been a better time to join JJ's Arts Academy. Age or ability level are no issue, we have something for everyone. So call JJ's today on 01626 332286 to book a free taster.
News Location
JJ's Arts Academy
11 St Pauls Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP
Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacaemy.com