JJ's Arts Academy / Events / Wed 01 Jul to Sun 09 Aug 2015 (1 month)
JJ's Summer Programme - Photography Day for Adults

Capture the perfect picture at JJ’s Arts Academy’s Photography Day for Adults as part of the JJ’s Arts Academy’s Summer Programme.
Optical Mechanics - Getting to know your camera!
Sunday 9th August 10:00am – 4:00pm
* Are you confused by ISO, F14, 1/250, AE, AV, TV, M, P?
* Would you like to know how to get the pictures that your camera is capable of taking?
* Would you like to take your camera off automatic and still get great results?
* What is the "Exposure Triangle" and why do I need to know?
* What is DoF or SV or ISO
We will cover the technical basics of photography and develop your eye for an image.
We will be looking at all of the modes found on your digital camera and working on small specific projects that will enable you to not only understand what each mode does, but when you should use them to help you create that perfect image.
You will be working both individually to take the images and then, as part of a group, evaluating the images (all guided by Rob).
The course has been designed to give you the confidence not only to see the image that you want to take, but also to give you the technical skills to make that vision a reality.
You will also receive a large print of your work to keep for your own portfolio.
Cost: £50 in total
Deposit: £20 by 1st July 2015
Age: 17yrs +
Places: 8 available
Venue: JJ's Arts Academy, 11 St Paul's Rd, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2HP
Event Location
JJ's Arts Academy
11 St Paul's Rd,
Newton Abbot,
TQ12 2HP
Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com