JJ's Arts Academy / Events / Fri 09 to Sat 10 Aug 2019 (2 days)
Grade Two Music Theory Bootcamp

The LCM Grade 2 Popular Music Theory Bootcamp is a two day workshop held at JJ's Arts Academy. The workshop will be run by Joanna, who has taught theory for over 20 years.
Friday 9th August 10-4pm
Saturday 10th August 10-4pm
Attendance on both days is compulsory
The two day bootcamp will help consolidate, and add to, the theory knowledge gained in lessons and will increase confidence in:
Reading and writing pitch notation – scales, keys, chords and intervals (all treble clef)
Reading and writing rhythmic notation
Basic knowledge of performers, instruments and different genres of contemporary popular music.
During the Music Theory Bootcamp, students will:
Complete at least 20 worksheets
Play interactive games to increase theory knowledge
Complete a MOCK Grade 2 paper
After attending the course, it is essential that 1 practice paper a week is completed. This will take around 40 mins and is to be completed at home. Once handed into reception at JJ's Arts Academy, the paper will be marked and returned with feedback.
The exam will be on Saturday 30th November at 10am. The date and time are non-negotiable as the whole country sits the exam at the same time.
This is a fully accredited course and looking to the future, the theory course goes all the way to Grade 8. Grade 5 is equivalent to a GCSE and Grade 8 is equivalent to an A Level. We have found that students who study this in line with their musical instrument lessons, gain a deeper understanding of music and learn to sight read, improvise and practice their pieces more effectively.
Two day bootcamp £65,
Resources £20 (textbook and pass papers),
Gr2 exam fee £32
Total Cost: £117
Deposit: £40
Age: 8yrs upwards
Preferred: Aimed at students who have taken their Gr1 theory OR have learned an instrument for two years
Places: 12 available
Venue: JJ's Arts Academy
Students do not need to be existing JJ’s Arts Academy students
Places are given on a first come, first serve basis.
For more information or to apply then please message us or call 01626 332286
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/JJsArtsAcademy/
Event Location
JJ's Arts Academy
11 St Pauls Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP
Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/JJsArtsAcademy/