JJ's Arts Academy / News / Wed 16 May 2018
Fantastic Turnout at JJ's Promotion Gig Newton Abbot!

On Saturday 12th May 2018, our JJ's bands and advanced singers, children and adults, got together to perform to the Lovely town of Newton Abbot!
Out side The Golden Lion Pub Shoppers stopped what they were doing to stand and watch our fantastic bands entertain! From Rock music to Musical theatre our students were amazing!
The towns folk really enjoyed the spontaneous entertainment and we had great feedback from the public! So thank you and well done JJ's!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/JJsArtsAcademy/photos/?ref=page_internal
News Location
JJs Arts Academy
11 St Pauls Road
TQ12 2HP
Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/JJsArtsAcademy/photos/?ref=page_internal