JJ's Arts Academy / Events / Mon 08 Oct 2018
12 - 15 year old vocalists wanted!

Come and meet our amazing vocal teacher Jane and enjoy a FREE taster session at JJ's Arts Academy!
We are offering a FREE 30 minute Taster session next Tuesday 8th October for all keen vocalists aged between 12 and 15 years old!
This is a group taster and spaces are limited!
Free Tasters are also available for other instruments we teach! Just call Lucy or Jackie on 01626 332286 to find out more.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/JJsArtsAcademy/events/?ref=page_internal
Event Location
JJs Arts Academy
11 St Pauls Road
TQ12 2HP
Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: reception@jjsartsacademy.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/JJsArtsAcademy/events/?ref=page_internal