JJ's Arts Academy / News / Mon 09 Mar 2015
100% Pass Rate for Trinity Keyboard exams at JJ's Arts Academy!

The students of JJ's Arts Academy have done it again, achieving 100% pass rate in their exams.
JJ's Arts Academy hosted a whole day of Trinity exams at the academy on Sunday 8th March and were thrilled to be able to finish the day with a 100% pass rate.
Students were taking exams in Grade 1 through to Grade 4 Keyboard. This included JJ's Arts Academy adult keyboard class. They have now all successfully passed their Grade 1 Trinity Keyboard exam, proudly proving that its never to late to learn an instrument!
News Location
JJ's Arts Academy
11 St Pauls Road
Newton Abbot
TQ12 2HP
Telephone: 01626 332 286
Email: info@jjsartsacademy.com