Jellyfish Productions / Events / Sun 13 Apr 2014
Poetry workshops for adults by Rebecca Gethin at Jellyfish

Sunday 13th of April from 2.15-4.15pm and
Sunday 11th of May from 2.15-4.15pm
Want to sow a few wild poems? These workshop sessions should give you a nice bunch of new ones to take home with you, to put in a vase and enjoy or to replant and let them carry on growing.
Enjoy writing but would like some tips and inspiration? Whether you're a complete beginner or would like to re-energise your writing, these workshops are for you. We will look at the basics of rhyme, verse and structure. Through exercises, reading, writing and feedback, you will have the opportunity to hear a number of approaches, create your own poems and develop first drafts with more confidence as well as get tips on editing and re-writing.
Rebecca Gethin www.rebeccagethin.wordpress.com
(£10 per person per workshop or £17.50 for both. Limited places so please book in advance).
For more information visit http://www.jellyfishprod.com/
Event Location
Jellyfish Productions
34 Bossell Road
TQ11 0DD
Telephone: 01364 642 662
Email: info@jellyfishprod.com
Website: http://www.jellyfishprod.com/