Jellyfish Productions / Events / Sun 06 Jul 2014
Jellyfish Community Youth Project

Fancy making a Film?
(Would) Like to take Photos?
How about creating a sound walk? & Live radio?
Are you between 13-19 years old - this fun summer event is for you!
The aim of Jellyfish Community Youth Project is to engage teens in our local community in a creative and fun project throughout July, August and September.
You will learn about Film Making, creating a mystery/thriller set in Buckfastleigh.
You will learn about photography and explore identity; personal & the town.
You will explore sounds, noise, stories making a sound walk where you touch on identity and the local community. We will have a live radio broadcast in August. All the three projects will culminate in a film made by you, an outdoor photography exhibition, an
outdoor sound walk and an outdoor community event open for all ages on The Orchard Millenium Green in September. Workshops will run from 27th of July – see separate workshop schedule or give us a call or pop in to Jellyfish!
Everyone are welcome to our INTRO MEETING on Sunday the 6th of July from 3-5pm
For more information visit http://www.jellyfishprod.com/
Event Location
Jellyfish Productions
34 Bossell Road
TQ11 0DD
Telephone: 01364 642 662
Email: youthproject@jellyfishprod.com
Website: http://www.jellyfishprod.com/