Jellyfish Productions / News / Fri 04 Apr 2014
Film Making Classes for 7-13 y olds starting the 28th of April

Film Director Nathilde Overrein Rapp is starting a new Film Making Course for Children aged 7-13 on Monday 28th of April at 4.30pm. The course consist of 7 classes, where the children create a film story, storyboard and shoot a short film together. They will also act in their own film. It is a popular course, so please book now! (£10 per child per class).
You can watch the last two film made by Nathilde's classes under "my videos" or on www.jellyfishprod.com
For more information visit http://www.jellyfishprod.com/
News Location
Jellyfish Productions
34 Bossell Road
TQ11 0DD
Telephone: 01364 642 662
Email: info@jellyfishprod.com
Website: http://www.jellyfishprod.com/