Jazz & Blues TV / News / Thu 31 Jan 2013
Press Release: Live music to be boosted by smart technology

January 31, 2013
Contact: Vince Williams
Mobile: 07969 313179
Land: 01803 200614
Email: vince@jazzandblues.tv
Jazz & Blues TV, the exciting, ground-breaking new “smart” platform for live music to launch in May with high-calibre artists led by Paulette McWilliams (Jazz) and more in the Blues, Soul, RnB, Gospel, and Latin genres lined up to appear.
Fundraising via Indiegogo platform takes place in February
Torquay, United Kingdom – Some of the greatest live music in the world is soon to be available via smart devices across the globe. Jazz & Blues TV is the new “next generation music channel” which will utilise the latest technology including its own app and the fast rising range of ‘smart’ devices that allow video to be streamed and downloaded to people on the move and in their own homes.
Having already struck a global distribution deal with Samsung to stream content to their premier Smart TV sets, the company has arrangements in place to exclusively film, in HD quality, live performances by some of the best established and up and coming musical talent in the world in these genres:
- Jazz. Artists lined up include Paulette McWilliams (USA),Peter Edwards (UK) Polly Gibbons (UK), Jason Rebello (UK), Troyka (UK), Tammy Weis (UK), Andrea Brachfeld (USA)
- Blues. Artists lined up include Blues Foundation Director Olga Wilhelmine Munding, (USA), Zen Blues Quartet (USA) and Big Boy Bloater, (UK), described as “one of the best bluesmen of our time” by Jools Holland;
- RnB/Soul. Artists lined up S.E.L (UK), Mint Condition (USA), Solo The Group (USA), Gordon Chambers (USA), Ty Causey (USA), Vivian Green (USA), Donell Jones (USA)
- Gospel. Artists lined up include Sounds of Blackness (USA), Kim Burrell (USA)
- Latin (artists lined up include Adam Dunning (AUS), James Zavaleta (USA), Venue Connection (ESP) and Ive Mendes (BR).
With partner venues planned for Torquay and London in the United Kingdom and Los Angeles and New York in the United States, Jazz & Blues TV will offer subscribers of its content the chance to see the music as it should be seen and heard, live, with all the verve and joy and passion that live music provides.
Jazz & Blues TV also offers many musicians outside of those promoted by the biggest record companies a chance to gain new fans and worldwide exposure.
Before Jazz & Blues TV can take off, fundraising is to take place via the popular crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. By contributing to the funding of Jazz & Blues TV now, music fans can also look forward to a range of perks (depending on their level of contribution) such as for $1 a personal thank you email from the CEO & Executive Producer of Jazz & Blues TV. PLUS 7 day subscription with unlimited access. Or for $50, a six month premium subscription, plus exclusive live studio performance DVDs and a white cotton 'T' shirt bearing the distinctive Jazz & Blues TV logo
Website: http://www.jazzandblues.tv/
Twitter: @JazzandBluesTV https://twitter.com/JazzAndBluesTV
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jazzandbluestv
Jazz & Blues TV Indiegogo page: http://igg.me/p/280784/x/1781858
Notes for editors:
- Key dates: - Indiegogo campaign intended duration: 28th January to 28th February; start of operation of Jazz and Blues TV channel: May 2013;
- The timing of the launch of Jazz and Blues TV is dependent on the success in its fundraising efforts;
- Jazz and Blues TV is the brainchild of Vincent Williams, an ardent fan of live music.
Artists websites:
Paulette McWilliams www.paulettemcwilliams.com
Peter Edwards http://on.fb.me/WmjFoC
Polly Gibbons http://www.pollygibbons.com/
Jason Rebello - www.jasonrebello.co.uk/
Troyka - http://troykaband.wordpress.com/
Tammy Weis http://www.tammyweis.com/
Andrea Brachfeld http://www.andreabrachfeld.com
Olga Wilhelming Munding www.laolga.com
Big Boy Bloater www.bigboybloater.com
Zen Blues Quartet http://www.zenbluesmusic.com/
S-E-L http://s-e-lsoul.com/
Mint Condition http://www.mintconditionmusic.com/
Solo The Group http://www.solothegroup.com/
Gordon Chambers http://gordonchambers.com/
Ty Causey http://www.tycauseymusic.com/
Vivian Green http://ramtalentgroup.com
Donell Jones http://www.donelljonesonline.com/
The Sounds of Blackness http://www.soundsofblackness.com
Kim Burrell http://www.kimburrellministries.com
Adam Dunning http://adamdunning.com/fr_home.cfm
James Zavaleta http://jameszavaleta.com
Venue Connection www.venuesite.com
Ive Mendes http://www.ivemendes.com
For more information visit http://www.indiegogo.com/jazzandbluestv/x/1781858/
News Location
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01803 619 368
Email: vince@jazzandblues.tv
Website: http://www.indiegogo.com/jazzandbluestv/x/1781858/