Saturday 3rd September 11 - 4pm Birdwood House, Totnes
Four artists, Clover Bird Bartlett, Sue Coulson, Janey Hunt, Prana Simon, present Radicle Exchanges a series of participatory moments throughout the day. We invite you to declare/transform/recognise/value through installation, conversation, performance and ritual. A TTT Arts Group project. www.radiclexchanges.wordpress.com
Clover Bird Bartlett Bonfire of the Anxieties
Bonfire of the Anxieties is a ritual based art workshop lasting approx 1hr 15ms. Participants will be guided to identify, create ways to move through and begin to transform some of the anxieties, which separate us from deep contentment.
With 25 years experience as an artist, teacher and workshop leader, and a long-term engagement with Native American Shamanic practices. Clover’s approach to this work is informed by her deepest and most enduring relationship, which is with land, the elements, weather, animals and the following of pathways to the heart.
Sue Coulson Last Supper
A symbolic meal, which shares in the celebration of the humble weed. A feast of words and unconventional food it investigates the concept of territory and “get one free.” Last Supper invites a revaluing of popular ideas surrounding worth and possession, to elevate the status of ‘wild’ and ‘dangerous’ plants. Sue Coulson works with recurring themes surrounding identity. As part of a body of work, she continues to explore the sometimes flawed relationship between human beings and the natural world.
Selected for MA Stars, she graduated from Plymouth University in 2008.
www.suecoulson.co.uk or http://www.axisweb.org/mastars
Janey Hunt Recognising Resilience Award
Resilience is one of those catchwords few understand. Through the principle of exchange and real experiences using participation, narrative, and image, this artwork encourages people to recommend an award for an act or item or repair that demonstrates resilience in our local community. By describing and recording a specific experience the award is intended to demonstrate and encourage resilience in Totnes and through example encourage an economy more focussed towards resilience than consumption.
Janey is a socially engaged artist and recently completed her practice based PhD at Plymouth University and is facilitator of TTT Arts Group amongst many other activities.
Prana Simon: Handshakes
This exchange is the handshake, and the conscious effort to make someTHING of a gesture, a convention, a courtesy, a uniquely human act across cultures. Does making this act visible and memorable change its meaning? Does it become a currency? A declaration? A memento? What do these concordes mean after the fact? Must we create a 'contract' for people to shake to?...to give their assent and agreement to? What would that be...something they decide or something they join? Is the handshake a promise? What does the Past declare to the Present? and what does the Present promise the Future? Prana Simon is interested in Arts & Ecology as an interdisciplinary field. She teaches subjects in both the arts and sciences and explores the expression of a concorde between them.
For more information visit http://www.radiclexchanges.wordpress.com/
Event Location
Birdwood House, Totnes
Telephone: 01803 865 006
Email: janey.hunt@gmail.com
Website: http://www.radiclexchanges.wordpress.com/