Janet Sainsbury / Events / Tue 30 Sep to Sat 25 Oct 2014 (4 weeks)
Exhibition at Thelma Hulbert Gallery

An exhibition showcasing the work of Janet Sainsbury and four other emerging artists: Greg Norman, Elisa Cunningham, Tessa Jane, Janet Sainsbury & Rory Cunningham. These five artists are winners of this year's Devon Artist Network's bursaries.
Janet is showing new prints, they are dry points using a technique called chine colle.
For more information visit http://www.thelmahulbert.com/
Event Location
Thelma Hulbert Gallery
Elmfield House, Dowell Street, Honiton EX14 1LX
EX14 1LX
Telephone: 01404 450 06
Website: http://www.thelmahulbert.com/