Jane Anderson-Brown / Opportunities / Thu 08 Jan 2015
Singers and musicians wanted

Red Earth Opera is a small company based in Paignton, determined to put on Opera in South Devon, and to make it accessible to local people. We have no funds – only determination.
Our inaugural performance was at the 2014 Teignmouth Classical Music Festival, where we presented a semi-staged performance of “Dido and Aeneas” with a small string orchestra. This was very well received, and we were immediately invited back to perform in March 2015.
This year’s production on Sunday 8th March, will be Mozart’s opera “Idomeneo”. It will again be semi-staged and will also be performed at Hannah’s Seale Hayne on Saturday 28th March. At the time of writing, we are preparing to audition principals, who are being drawn from the local area and from London. The performance will be sung in English with some narration to keep the story clear (rather than singing pages of recitative). For those who love Mozart, there is some really beautiful music in this opera. You can hear ideas which form the basis of some of his last operas.
One challenge is that there is no published version in English, and I have been busy over the last few months creating a performing edition for us to use. I have been able to buy and adapt a translation by Jonathan Clift and used for Leeds Youth Opera. I am also in the process of preparing orchestral parts.
I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in taking part, either as a soloist, chorus, or orchestra. We shall be rehearsing on some Sundays in the new year – not every week, and chorus will be able to sing with music in the performance.
Putting on opera is not cheap, and as things stand there are no fees available for performers. We shall be asking the chorus to pay £15 each to take part (this basically covers the rehearsal hall hire), with reductions for students and second members of the same household. We are also keen to attract sponsors/donations so that we can look at helping with travel expenses for soloists from further afield.
We are planning to have an open afternoon on Sunday 14th December for anyone interested, but not sure what they may be letting themselves in for. For more details, please contact Jane Anderson-Brown on 07949 490120, or email redearthopera@gmail.com There is also a facebook page with more information.
Opportunity Location
South Devon
Telephone: 07949 490 120
Email: redearthopera@gmail.com