Jan O'Highway / Events / Sat 24 to Sun 25 Sep 2011 (2 days)
MOSAIC MEMORIES with Jan O'Highway

MOSAIC MEMORIES - create a unique mosaic by combining your personal memory-filled treasures with wonderful ceramic pieces made from reactive glazes and fused glass.
The weekends cover glaze-painting small tile pieces, making "sampler" mosaics and one main mosaic.
There's a wide variety of materials to experiment with, from precious gold and silver glass to plastic, metal, ceramic, found and reclaimed objects.
Saturday mornings are spent glazing tiles, these are fired overnight & ready to use in your mosaic on Sunday.
Sat afternoon & Sunday are for mosaic making; cutting and fixing methods are explained + health and safety.
Maximum class size of 5 students
Classes, 10-5 each day, take place in my studio (2 miles from Totnes, Devon UK) Unit 6, Bridge Farm, Harberton, Devon TQ9 7PP
No experience is necessary, and being a small class, the sessions are relaxed and informal.
Notes on techniques, materials, and suppliers are provided, so that you can continue mosaic making with confidence.
Facilities at Bridge Farm are basic, and mosaics are messy...wear old clothes!
All materials are included, however, bring a packed lunch for yourself, or visit the Church House Inn in Harberton, 10 mins walk from the studio.
£130 per weekend, materials included
further details & booking:
e-mail information@janohighway.com
images of the workshop & students' work can be found on my flickr pages, in the Teaching file
For more information visit http://www.janohighway.com/
Event Location
Website: http://www.janohighway.com/