Jan O'Highway / Events / Sat 29 to Sun 30 Jun 2013 (2 days)
GARDEN MOSAICS workshop June 29/30

GARDEN MOSAICS 10-4 £150, glaze painting, ceramic and glass mosaic, materials included, max 6 students.
Make SEVERAL SMALL OR 1 LARGER MOSAIC - learn cutting, glueing, grouting, plus GLAZING individual ceramic pieces for use in Sunday's mosaic.
The class is fine for complete beginners or experienced artists - technical basics are covered but the emphasis is on exploration and creative play.
For more information visit http://www.janohighway.com/
Event Location
Jan O'Highway's studio
Unit 6, Bridge Farm, Harberton, Devon UK
Telephone: 01803 863 223
Email: jna@janohighway.com
Website: http://www.janohighway.com/