Jamie Rhodes WriterJamie Rhodes is a writer working in comics, prose and screen. He studied Philosophy at Manchester Metropolitan University, where he focused on Heideggarian studies and Phenomenology. He is a full member of the Writers' Guild of Great Britain and was co-chair of the London & SE region for two years.

His first book saw him work with the British Library writing a collection of stories inspired by unusual documents in the library archives. The collection, Dead Men's Teeth, launched at the British Library in 2014.

His first graphic novel was a collaboration with the National Trust entitled A Castle in England. He was Scotney Castle’s first Writer-in-Residence, writing a graphic novel inspired by the castle’s archive collection. The book was published by Nobrow Press in 2017.

He trained as a script reader through Northwest Vision & Media, regional screen agency for the Northwest, and co-founded the filmmaking collective, Donkey Stone Films, at the Broadway Media Centre in Nottingham. There, he wrote short films under commission and taught screenwriting in schools, community groups, and homeless shelters.

In 2011 he won funding to launch The Homeless Film Festival and registered this project as a charity. He was chair of the charity until 2013, stepping down to focus on his writing career, though he continues to work with marginalised people as a tutor in creative writing and screenwriting.

Jamie has been supported by: EM Media, IdeasTap, Arvon Foundation, Kone Foundation, Spread the Word, and the Arts Council England.

View my website https://thisisjamierhodes.com/

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Email: jamie@thisisjamierhodes.com
Website: https://thisisjamierhodes.com/

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My Events

Graphic Novel Writing Course / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-10-02T00:00:00Z">Wed 02 Oct</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2019-11-27T00:00:00Z">Wed 27 Nov 2019</span> <span>(2 months)</span>Graphic Novel Writing Course / Wed 02 Oct to Wed 27 Nov 2019 (2 months)

Jamie Rhodes is an Eisner nominated writer working in comics, prose and screen. He studied Philosophy at Manchester Metropolitan University, where he ...
