James Shea Consulting / Events / Fri 10 Mar to Fri 21 Apr 2017 (1 month)
My library, my home

My library, my home
Drawing and lino-cutting workshops with Zara Slattery, illustrator and comic-book artist
Six workshops starting Friday 10 March 12.30pm – 2.30pm, then weekly (excluding Good Friday) from 11.30am – 3.30pm until Friday 21 April.
Discover what Worthing means to you by exploring books and images in the library’s Local History collection and looking at an outside location.
Draw and write about your observations to produce a linocut/monoprint folded book about Worthing for the library.
No previous experience necessary. Beginners at drawing, reading and writing welcome!
Worthing Library 20 Richmond Road, Worthing BN11 1HD
My library, my home is a community project run by library services in East and West Sussex and Portsmouth to encourage people to use libraries by introducing them to the local history sections of their local public libraries.
At Worthing Library graphic artist Zara Slattery will run a series of workshops for people who feel their literacy skills might exclude them from making good use of library services. During six workshops at the library, she will encourage people to create drawings and lino-cuts which celebrate the histories of where they live.
As the workshops progress, Zara will suggest pathways for people to use libraries more confidently which lead them from graphic publications, through illustrated text to text-only short stories and poetry.
The workshops will comprise:
1) Outline of brief to the participants; introduction to the local history section & facilities.
Homework: To collect visual reference from their given location. Including building facades & street furniture. Write down observations from a given list of questions, add your own observations.
2) Chose 4 images from visual references to draw & further develop for printing.
Sketch out designs. Develop accompanying narrative.
3) Finish narrative & finalise sketches. Draw designs on Lino & start cutting.
4) Group splits into two. Group 1 prints while group 2 creates narrative. Swap over for the second half of the session.
5) Finish printing. Prepare/ fold books; print narrative & picture copies, plus accompanying location from the local history section.
6) Tie up loose ends. Photocopy & fold usable copies for use in the local history section of the library. Display original prints. Review participants experience.
To see examples of Zara’s work visit https://zaraslattery.com
For further details about My Library, my home contact James Shea at:
Email: james@jamessheaconsulting.com Tel: 0844 351 0653
Event Location
Worthing Library
20 Richmond Road, Worthing
BN11 1HD
Telephone: 0844 351 0653
Email: james@jamessheaconsulting.com