James Derwin / News / Wed 04 May 2011
CALL FOR ARTISTS 'Beyond Boundaries' Contemporary Art Exhibition

'Beyond Boundaries'
Contemporary Art Exhibition
Saturday 2nd - Monday 11th July 2011
The Spanish Barn, Torre Abbey, Torquay TQ2 5JE.
It is very difficult to know exactly what and where a boundary is, and even more so to go beyond it perhaps into the unknown. It can be vast and geographical; small and physical; painful and psychological or distinct and cultural. It can describe the parameters of a simple game, a complex problem or an oscured perspective. To fully engage in exploring the boundaries of one's self, may be as fraught with danger as the exploration of any exotic jungle or distant featureless landscape.
Artists have always sought to go beyond the boundaries of the everyday, in order to enrich and inform humanity. For instance the tendency of sensationalists or YBAs to push taboos and arouse controversy is perhaps the archetypal modern example of this. However there are subtle boundaries that exist that we do not see clearly or examine thoroughly. This exploration will be the basis of this exhibition.
All artistic disciplines are welcome!
Submissions sent to jamesderwin@hotmail.co.uk should include:
-Good quality photographic evidence showing the artwork in as much detail as possible. This is very important bad photographic documentation does not allow the selection panel to make accurate decissions.
-Artist's written statement about the work explaining their response to the brief, how the artwork demonstates and explores it.
-Detail of installation requirements, dimensions of the work, media used and date made.
-It is also helpful to show previous experience and relevant skillsets.
Hypothetical proposals are welcome, however please be realistic. The deadline will come very fast artwork must be completed before installation.
On the 24th June 2011 the selection panel will carry out the selection process, all submissions will be alerted to the outcome that day. All artists are expected to pay £50 to contribute to costs. They're also expected to contribute time and labour. The success of the last exhibition 'Immersive Worlds' is due to the fact that every artist gave as much time and effort as possible, this essential. This exhibition will be better and more exciting than the last.
Please pass this on!
Best Wishes
James Derwin
For more information visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNEEBwwr5zI