Jackie Wills / News / Mon 10 Jan 2011
Devon Open Studios 3rd-18th September 2011

For the first time last year I took part in the Devon Open Studios Event. It was a rewarding and profitable event for me, so I plan to do the same again this year. Devon Open Studios is a great opportunity for artists to get to show and sell work in a relaxed and interesting way.
Devon Open Studios 2011 Devon Open Studios 3rd-18th September 2011
We do hope that you will consider taking part to keep the event vibrant!
Application form/notes can be accessed at http://www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk/DOSRegistration.
Closing date 1st March.
Please do not hesitate to call
Linda Hajdukiewicz
Devon Open Studios Coordinator
01271 828 180 (office hours only)
Email ..........lindahaj@googlemail.com