The Grove was a commissioned piece by Torbay coast & countryside trust with the area ANOB officer. placed in the Grove wood, Churston, the wood as been extensively abused over the years so the sculpture site involved as many local groups as possible including Brixham community college, duke of Edingbrough young people, conservation volunteers & passer by's. The area represents a remains of a long lost civilization of environmentally aware race of people, each pillar represents an aspect of the 4 directions, 4 ages of man, 4 seasons, 4 elements with a hidden 5th to each, the centre spiral is the spirit of life, 9 guardians are set into the trees overlooking the site with a very special 10th nearby.
The piece was finished in 2005 & now looks like the remnent of a age past it was intented to look like & is much used by locals as a peaceful site to sit in, also can be seen on google earth.