Jack Strange/Author / News / Sat 01 Oct 2016

The acclaimed novel 'Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse' written by Huddersfield author Jack Strange is free to download from Amazon this weekend.
Download it free from Amazon by following this link: http://amzn.to/1Tp0A2s
The following review typifies the reactions of those who have read the book:
"5.0 out of 5 stars
'Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse' by Jack Strange #horror book Reanimator meets Masterchef
By Chesh on 2 July 2016
Format: Paperback
The title gives away all you need to know about this excellent book.
What the title might not suggest is what a fantastic book this is. A book filled with fantastic characters which are funny, quirky and doomed.
Acacia Avenue is anything but your normal English street thanks to the Brilliant writing from Jack Strange.
This book boldly goes where no other books dare to. You are reading a book and you think "Wouldn't it be cool if the character did this? but ultimately never does. In this book anything goes. It is that cool. You will not believe the way the story unfolds and nor should you just read and grin, continue reading and continue grinning.
This is Reanimator meets Masterchef.
The reports of this great book have not been exaggerated.
Latitude: 53°38′56″ N
Longitude: 1°47′02″ W
Elevation above sea level: 90 m = 295 ft
Coordinates of Huddersfield in decimal degrees you may just need these at some point. Trust me."
Huddersfield book-lovers will no doubt enjoy the fact that the author has set the climactic ending of the novel in their home town.
What are you waiting for? - Head over to Amazon and get hold of your free copy now before the offer ends! Click on the link that follows to go to the Amazon page wher you can grab your free copy: http://amzn.to/1Tp0A2s
For more information visit http://amzn.to/1Tp0A2s
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Email: jack-strange@outlook.com
Website: http://amzn.to/1Tp0A2s