Jack Strange/Author

Jack Strange/Author Jack Strange - Author

Jack Strange is an author who's had a very varied career.
He’s worked in a morgue, dug holes for a living, shifted heavy things on and off trucks, sold advertising space, and was, for a while, a Lawyer.
He’s always read voraciously and has wanted to be a novelist since the age of ten. He wrote his first novel aged fourteen (it wasn’t very good but he’s come on a bit since then).
Jack’s favourite modern authors include Russell H. Greenan, Jerzy Kosinski, Jim Thompson, and Simon Kernick (and a great many more – far too many to mention).
He enjoys parties and keeps himself fit. He is married with two adult daughters.
If you want to get in touch with Jack, you can email him at:
Or contact him on Twitter: @jackstrange11
Copy and paste this link to visit his website: www.jack-strange.co.uk
Copy and paste this link to visit his author page with his publisher:

View my website http://www.jack-strange.co.uk/

My Location

Birkby, Huddersfield

21 Alwen Avenue

Telephone: 01484 430 834
Email: andykom@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.jack-strange.co.uk/

Profile Details

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