Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse is the story of the dead celebrity chef Floyd Rampant, who rises from his grave aiming to create a zombie army of chefs who will rule the world, using the human species as the main ingredient in their cordon bleu meals.
It is dark, original, and so funny it should carry a government health warning.
Part horror story, part political and social satire, it gives the reader a fast-paced entrée of dread, a main course of panic and a dessert of distress. It is a gourmet feast, an unmissable read, and a black and poignant joke.
CCZA, as it's known for short, has a cast of unforgettable characters, most of whom meet with gruesome ends. The action begins in Croydon, moves to London, and reaches its explosive climax in the author’s home town of Huddersfield.
This smart, witty and profound modern day classic works on many levels.
For more information visit http://amzn.to/1Tp0A2s
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Author's address
21 Alwen Avenue
Telephone: 01484 430 834
Email: jack-strange@outlook.com
Website: http://amzn.to/1Tp0A2s