In Good Voice - Jenny Goodman / Events / Sat 17 Nov 2018
Wild Women and Maverick Men - gig Huddersfield

Come and join The Blameless Hussies and The Men They Couldn't Stand at a night of music and song...
Acapella harmony, Celtic tunes, witty, quirky, moving and inspiring songs - join us to discover your own Wild Woman or Maverick Man - all this and bustles too (on the Hussies at least!)
Tickets £5 in advance or £7 on the door. Contact Jenny Hussie on singing.jennyg@googlemail.com or 07984584923 to book.
Doors open 7.30 pm for an 8pm start
This gig supports The Red and Green Club so come along and support the revolution!
Event Location
The Red and Green Club
Bankwell St
Telephone: 07984 584 923
Email: singing.jennyg@googlemail.com