In Good Voice - Jenny Goodman / Events / Fri 11 to Fri 25 Sep 2020 (2 weeks)
Singing Outdoors with Jenny Goodman

Come and try outdoor singing with one of the most experienced community singing leaders in the UK. Lovely setting, fresh air and the safest way to sing together as a group currently
Friday 11th September Victoria Park, Holmfirth 10 til 11.30 am
Friday 25th September Sands Park (next to the Leisure Centre)
10 til 11.30 am
£10 per session but sliding scale available for those on low income
COVID safety measures will be followed:
numbers limited to 20 absolute maximum
outdoors in a safe public space
standing 2 metres apart
full risk assessment completed and shared
hand sanitizer etc available
Session planned for current circumstances including breathing exercises facing away from others
Pre booking absolutely essential through Jenny Goodman on singing.jennyg@googlemail.com or 07984 584923
Event Location
Victoria Park
Station Street
Telephone: 07984 584 923
Email: singing.jennyg@googlemail.com