In Good Voice - Jenny Goodman / Events / Fri 22 Sep to Fri 01 Dec 2017 (2 months)
Harmony@Hope Bank - drop in singing group

A regular daytime acapella harmony singing group for all with Jenny Goodman - come and build your confidence and skills, experience the sheer joy of singing harmony with others in this lovely, welcoming group and be supported by one of the most experienced and inspiring teachers in the UK
Fridays 22nd Sept to 1st Dec (half term 27th Oct)
10 am – 12 pm
Pay up front: £60 (full price) £40 (strapped for cash) - can pay in 2 half term blocks
Drop in: £7 (full price)£5 (strapped for cash)
HOPE BANK WORKS, off Woodhead Road, Honley HD9 6QG
This group is all about harmony and developing your voice and confidence. We'll learn a range of harmony songs from folk, world music, pop traditions plus new compositions in 2, 3, 4 or more part harmony. All songs will be taught by ear so no need to read music. There will also be exercises to improve your breathing, voice and skills. No auditions, no previous experience needed, everyone welcome.
There will be occasional fabulous guest teachers to keep it fresh and exciting. This is not a performance group but there maybe opportunities to perform locally for those who wish and to access Jenny's many other exciting singing opportunities including her performing group Far Cry.
Jenny Goodman has been leading community choirs, singing workshops and projects, performing choirs and singing for well-being for nearly 25 years. She has worked across the UK and internationally and brings with her a wealth of material, knowledge of the voice, harmony singing and performance. Jenny is a song-writer and arranger and performs regularly with acapella duo The Blameless Hussies and acoustic roots band Jenny and the Good Men. She is a founder member of The Natural Voice Network.
No need to book - just turn up. Contact Jenny on 07984 584923 if you want more information
Event Location
Hope Bank Works
Woodhead Road
Telephone: 07984 584 923
Email: singing.jennyg@googlemail.com