In Good Voice - Jenny Goodman

In Good Voice - Jenny Goodman / News / Thu 22 Oct 2015

Edinburgh singing workshop with Jenny Goodman

Edinburgh singing workshop with Jenny Goodman

I'm off to Edinburgh to run a singing workshop on 7th November ..Sing Your Socks Off Acapella Singing Workshop will run 2 til 5pm.

£20 (full price/waged) £15 (part/low waged) £10 ( concession - unemployed, students, pensioners on low income) booked and paid in advance

£22 (full price/waged) £17 (part/low waged) £12 (concession - as above) paid on the day

Come and bathe yourself in beautiful acapella harmony guided by one of the most experienced workshop leaders in the UK. You will learn a range of songs from around the world and from a range of traditions - world music, folk/roots, popular and contemporary/original. Good fun and feelgood factor guaranteed!

All songs taught by ear so no previous experience necessary.

Go on! Come and sing your socks off or pass on to friends and family in Scotland!

News Location

Pilrig St Paul's Church

Pilrig Street

Telephone: 07984 584 923

News Details
