The Christmas Single is now released - 'WHAT WE ALL NEED' - by Assembly aka SWMS - written by Hugh Nankivell (Torquay) and Ben McCabe (not Torquay) and played by 50 of the SW finest young musicians arranged by Dean Brodrick and recorded by Richard Evans.
This has been a great project - a song emerging from a festival of social justice and the setting up of the Music Hubs and written by email between Torquay and Lancaster. Then being transformed by a great Dean Brodrick arrangement for anyone in South West Music School who wanted to take part (young people aged 8-18) and recorded in very testing circumstances by the effervescent Richard Evans. Ellen also sings on this song.
It is available to download now from iTunes ONLY 79p and CD Baby (for $2). All proceeds will go to Youth Music and SWMS. Youth Music is the leading UK charity using music to transform the lives of children and young people, particularly those with least opportunity.
Here is the link for the video for 'What We All Need'
Preview and then buy the single here: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/what-we-all-need-single/id584142091?uo=4
or here - http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/swms
Please listen/buy/watch/enjoy/review/comment
For more information visit https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/what-we-all-need-single/id584142091/?uo=4