A New Community Singing Project for Torbay
Come and work with local composers Hugh Nankivell and Steve Sowden for a new performance project, ‘The Heaviside Condition’, in Torbay, 2015.
We are looking for local people to help create an original performance piece with us as part of a new kind of singing group, ‘The Choral Engineers’.
We want to hear from people of all ages who:
want to sing
fancy a challenge
are free on Friday mornings.
‘The Heaviside Condition’ - which tells the story of Oliver Heaviside, the Torbay inventor of the Victorian Internet - will also include film and live theatre.
So come along and have a go. We have years of experience working on projects with different singing groups of all ages and abilities. Last year we composed songs with a community in the Shetland Islands for a National Theatre of Scotland performance and we once staged an outdoor performance in Torquay with 200 singers!
The final show will be performed in March 2015 in Torquay, Paignton and Plymouth. The project has the support of Doorstep Arts, the Barbican Theatre, Plymouth, the Battersea Arts Centre and is funded by the Arts Council of England.
Drop-in launch day at Torquay Museum,
Saturday 10th Jan, 11am-4pm.
Rehearsals at Paignton Library
Friday mornings 10.30am - 12.30 from
January 16th till March 20th 2015.
Performances at
Torquay Museum March 26th,
Paignton Library March 27th,
Barbican Theatre, Plymouth March 28th.
We could come and visit your group to talk about the project in more detail if you are interested.
Contact Hugh on 07447 071035 or hugh.nankivell@btinternet.com if interested or you would like more details.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/theheavisidecondition?ref=hl
News Location
Torquay and Paignton
Telephone: 07447 071 035
Email: hugh.nankivell@btinternet.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/theheavisidecondition?ref=hl