HuddersfieldBID / Events / Sat 29 May to Sun 06 Jun 2021 (1 week)
Huddersfield Lego Trail

We are excited to tell you about the latest, family fun community event coming to Huddersfield Town Centre, ‘Huddersfield Lego Trail’. The Huddersfield Lego Trail will run from Saturday 29th May 2021 – Sunday 6th June 2021.
Organisations will be provided with the appropriate amount of Lego for free and challenged to build a model based on the architect around Huddersfield. The organisations will then be partnered with town centre businesses in which the Lego models will be displayed, creating the Lego Trail. We would like for organisations interested to visit and view Lego Trail event.
The trail will not only be accessible in person but also live, interactively on the Huddersfield dedicated app – LoyalFree. On here trail participants can vote for their favourite model, whereby at the end of the week-long campaign the three high voted models are in for a chance to win luxurious hampers. To take part in the trail and see Huddersfield offers visit your devices App store and download the LoyalFree App for FREE.
With the weather heating up and all things slowly returning to a life we once recognise this is certainly something to look forward to and celebrate.
For more information visit
Event Location
Huddersfield Town Centre