Huddersfield Philharmonic / Opportunities / Tue 30 Sep 2014
Save money on concert tickets by becoming a season subscriber

Love the Huddersfield Philharmonic Orchestra?
Loyal fan?
Attend more than one concert per season?
Become a season subscriber and save money!
What else do I get?
Apart from first allocation and reserved seats….
After each concert performance, head along to the Old Court Room Bar, grab a drink and chat among other members, players, the conductor, guests, sponsors & supporters!
Interested? - Click on the website link which will take you to our sign up form.
Terms and Conditions:
Typically the subscriber tickets go on sale from July and are fully paid in advance by the end of September latest, to allow for allocation & distribution in time for the first concert performance.
An acknowledgement is printed in each concert programme and accreditation noted on the HPS website in recognition of the HPS’s core subscriber members’ generous support (unless we are instructed to the contrary).
For more information visit http://www.huddersfield-phil.org.uk/support-us/become-a-loyal-subscriber/