Huddersfield Literature Festival

Huddersfield Literature Festival / Opportunities / Fri 10 Feb 2017

Poetry Competition for Schools and Community Groups

Poetry Competition for Schools and Community Groups

Huddersfield Town Centre is looking for budding poets – with an eReader as top prize.

Have members of your group/school got a poem inside them dying to get out? Huddersfield Literature Festival, which takes place 4-19 March 2017, is looking for poems about courage for the Courage Is Poetry Project. The project is being run in conjunction with Kirklees Council and Huddersfield District Committee.

A selection of the poems will appear in key prominent spaces and shops within the Town Centre. Just look out for the footprints to see where the poems are being displayed.

Everyone visiting shops, bars and restaurants in Huddersfield will be able to read the poems, and the poets can invite their friends and family to see their poem on display if it’s chosen for the project.

All poems must be original work by the entrant and no longer than one side of A4 (12pt font). There are two categories for entry: over 16s and under 16s. The prizes will be awarded for a selection of the best poems and the winners will receive an eReader and runners up will receive Waterstones vouchers worth £25.

Deadline for entries is 10 February 2017

If you would like to take part please send in your entry via our Facebook page, by email at or by post to Courage Is Poetry Project, c/o Creative Economy Team, Kirkgate Buildings, Byram Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1BY.

Terms and Conditions are available on our Website

For more information visit

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