Huddersfield Literature Festival / Events / Wed 09 to Wed 23 Mar 2022 (2 weeks)
1:1 with Writing Coach, The Write Catalyst

Wish you could smash that writing goal you’ve had to finish your manuscript. Now you can!
Imagine being able to smash that writing goal you’ve had to finish your manuscript. You feel amazingly clear and focused about what’s next and feel confident that you can tackle it. You are a writer. Not just any writer, but the writer you dreamed of being!
Book a 1:1 coaching session to talk over your writing dreams with Cat, and she’ll help you develop strategies and techniques to help you when you come up against any writing blocks, so you never have to feel lost and uncertain about your writing again.
Price: £50 (Note that 50% of all 1:1 proceeds go to HLF to be reinvested into the Festival).
In-person: various dates between 9 March – 23 March and Online: various dates between 12 Mar – 22 March 2022 (see below)
Dates for in-person 1:1s (a link will be sent for you to book your slot after paying):45-min slots starting 11am, 12pm, 1pm or 2pm on:
Wednesday 9 March
Wednesday 15 March
Sunday 20 March
Wednesday 23 March
Dates for online 1:1s: (a link will be sent for you to book your slot after paying):Various options for 45-min slots are available on:
Saturday 12 March
Monday 14 March
Thursday 17 March
Friday 18 March
Monday 21 March
Tuesday 22 March
Book early to secure your preferred date and time slot!
For more information visit https://www.huddlitfest.org.uk/event/121-with-the-write-catalyst/
Event Location
Email: info@huddlitfest.org.uk
Website: https://www.huddlitfest.org.uk/event/121-with-the-write-catalyst/