Huddersfield Choral Society / Events / Sat 28 Nov 2020
We'll Sing World Premiere

*Free Event!
Lyrics by Poet Laureate Simon Armitage with music by composers Cheryl Frances-Hoad and Daniel Kidane.
Huddersfield Choral Society commissions two new works in response to COVID-19 inspired by its members.
Online World Premiere on 28 November 2020, 7:30pm.
For more information, head to the We'll Sing website
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/huddersfield-choral-society-commissions-world-premiere-tickets-128662686559
Event Location
Telephone: 07801 228 902
Email: info@huddersfieldchoral.com
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/huddersfield-choral-society-commissions-world-premiere-tickets-128662686559