Huddersfield Choral Society / Events / Sat 20 Feb 2021
Online Choral Workshop - Mozart Requiem

You are invited to join this free event with the Huddersfield Choral Society and singers from across the world in our first ever online choral workshop, on Saturday 20th February between 13:00 and 16:00 GMT.
Our programme.
The 3-hour workshop will be led by Huddersfield Choral Society’s Director, Gregory Batsleer.
Throughout the afternoon singers will spend time getting underneath the skin of the well-known and frequently performed Mozart Requiem.
The session will feature input from our Vocal Coach, Joyce Tindsley. She will lead the warm-up at the beginning of the session and provide some useful tips and advice on vocal technique.
We are also thrilled to welcome the internationally renowned baritone, Roderick Williams to talk to us about his illustrious career, as well as giving us his thoughts on the place of choral music in contemporary culture.
This online workshop promises to be a fruitful afternoon of choral adventure from the comfort of your own homes.
Places are limited, so grab a ticket now!
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/huddersfield-choral-society-online-choral-workshop-tickets-139441486239
Event Location
Telephone: 07801 228 902
Email: info@huddersfieldchoral.com
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/huddersfield-choral-society-online-choral-workshop-tickets-139441486239