Huddersfield Choral Society / Events / Fri 12 Jul to Wed 04 Dec 2019 (5 months)
HCS Voices

Launch! HCS Voices:
Come and join our new choir! There is no audition and if you love singing, then please come along to St. Paul’s Hall at The University of Huddersfield, starting on Wednesday September 11th (7 – 9pm). All abilities are welcome.
We’re part of the Huddersfield Choral Society and the choir will be led by the choral professional, Abi Kitching. She can’t wait to get started and has chosen lots of fun, rewarding repertoire and will help to build your musical and singing skills towards a performance in 2020. It costs just £5/week.
To find out more information:
HCS website.https://www.huddersfieldchoral.com/hcs-voices/ and to register, please fill in the form or phone Phil on 07864 591844. You need to be over 18 to join.
It would be super to welcome you as one of our founder members in what is a big and exciting new venture for the Huddersfield Choral.
For more information visit http://www.huddersfieldchoralsociety.com/
Event Location
St Pauls Hall
Huddersfield University
Telephone: 07864 591 844
Email: info@huddersfieldchoral.com
Website: http://www.huddersfieldchoralsociety.com/