Huddersfield Choral Society / Events / Tue 13 Jul to Tue 10 Aug 2021 (1 month)
Find Your Voice with the Huddersfield Choral Society

A specially curated series of five live online masterclasses by some of the UK’s leading choral musicians.
Tuesday evenings between 19:00 and 20:15.
Between July 13th and August 10th.
Sign up for all five for only £40 (or £10 for individual masterclasses)
Find Your Voice is a specially curated series of five live online masterclasses by some of the UK’s leading choral musicians. Across five Tuesday evenings, some of the UK and world’s leading choral conductors will guide singers through well-known and much-loved works in the large-scale choral repertoire.
Each session will be interactive with plenty of singing involved. Every week our highly experienced team of vocal coaches will lead a warm-up following, which one of our leading choral conductors will take over and give you their unique insights. There will be an opportunity for questions as part of each session.
Since the pandemic started, Huddersfield Choral Society has been presenting online workshops to singers across the world. Though not in the same room, these sessions have a real sense of community and are a great way of getting back into the singing groove.
Find out more here: https://www.hcsfindyourvoice.com/
For more information visit https://www.hcsfindyourvoice.com/
Event Location
Email: info@huddersfieldchoral.com
Website: https://www.hcsfindyourvoice.com/