Huddersfield Bach Collegium / News / Wed 07 Feb 2018
Huddersfield Bach Collegium - Performance Schedule

By working with friends old and new, 2017 saw the launch of the Huddersfield Bach Collegium and with two successful performances under our belts we are taking the plunge and doubling up in 2018!
The Huddersfield Bach Collegium is not profit-making project and is about one thing and one thing only - the enjoyment of bringing the surviving sacred cantatas of JS Bach to life (with a few other composers thrown in for good measure!). Under the direction of Alexander Douglas, instrumentalists, chorus singers and soloists join forces for an on-the-day-rehearsal before sharing this wonderful music with seasoned-concert-attendees and those who have never heard Bach before.
If you would like to be involved, support us or join our mailing list please head to our website or get in touch!
For more information visit http://www.classicaljazzgospel.com/hbc-sign-up
News Location
Holy Trinity Church
Trinity Street
Telephone: 07967 229 730
Email: hbc@classicaljazzgospel.com
Website: http://www.classicaljazzgospel.com/hbc-sign-up