The Huddersfield Bach Collegium is a very unusual community enterprise with the VERY ambitious aim. Namely, we intend to be the first enterprise to complete an entire Bach cantatas cycle in the North of England…bear in mind there are 200+ surviving cantatas to get through!
Our instrumentalists and singers are a combination of professional and amateur at varying stages of their lives and careers from Huddersfield and beyond. The conductor – Alexander Douglas – has recently completed his third year as conductor of The Huddersfield Singers and we are very fortunate that Adrian Partington, an internationally renowned organist and conductor, has agreed to be the Huddersfield Bach Collegium’s Artistic Patron.
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My News
Huddersfield Bach Collegium - Performance Schedule / Wed 07 Feb 2018
By working with friends old and new, 2017 saw the launch of the Huddersfield Bach Collegium and with two successful performances under our belts we ar...
My Events
Huddersfield Bach Collegium Returns / Sun 01 Mar 2020
Come and join us for an informal performance of Bach, Telemann, Mozart and Corelli. Free admission and relaxed setting. 6-7pm.
Alexander Douglas: solo jazz piano / Sun 12 May 2019
An evening of sacred jazz with Alexander Douglas As one of the UK's most enigmatic improvising musicians and having been mentored by artists as d...
Song of My Heart / Sun 09 Sep 2018
The Huddersfield Bach Collegium are very pleased to be starting off this season of Bach with two cantatas and an orchestral suite. We will be heading ...
My Opportunities
Huddersfield Bach Collegium - Register your Interest / Tue 31 Dec 2019
By working with friends old and new, 2017 saw the launch of the Huddersfield Bach Collegium and with two successful performances under our belts we ar...
My Videos
Alexander Douglas solo jazz
An evening of sacred jazz with Alexander Douglas As one of the UK's most enigmatic improvising musicians and having been mentored by artists as d...
My Friends
Huddersfield Bach Collegium / ADM Productions