Huddersfield Art Gallery / Events / Sat 10 Oct 2015 to Sat 09 Jan 2016 (3 months)
Thought Positions in Sculpture Exhibition

Thought Positions in Sculpture
Curated by Rowan Bailey
This exhibition presents ten artists whose work draws on and responds to archives. These archives include art from Leeds Museums and Galleries Sculpture Collection, archival material from the Henry Moore Institute, audio recordings from the British Library and digitised content from the Tate gallery.
The archives in this exhibition - sculptures, records, sketchbooks, objects and other materials - provide a starting point and a new platform for thinking about sculpture. Furthermore, the sculptures and works on paper here offer new ways of looking at the archival material and create new narratives.
Featuring work by:
Kenneth Armitage
Brass Art
Bernd and Hilla Becher
Desmond Brett
Geoffrey Clarke
Liadin Cooke
Henry Charles Fehr
Sheila Gaffney
Ghisha Koenig
Juliet Macdonald
Nicola Perren
Nicola Redmore
Hester Reeve
Lisa Stansbie
Jill Townsley
Alongside the exhibition the contemporary artists taking part will publish essays on some of the underlying themes informing the work on display. You are invited to explore these narratives by visiting ‘Thought Positions in Sculpture’ on our Centre for Sculptural Thinking website, hosted by the University of Huddersfield.
ROTOR would like to thank Leeds Museums and Galleries for the loan of works from their sculpture collection, the Henry Moore Institute for access to their sculpture archival material and existing collections, to Tate's digitized archive collection of selected artists, to the British Library’s Artist’s Lives audio interview recording and the Freud Museum for the loan of a replica of Sigmund Freud's desk chair.
For more information visit https://www.hud.ac.uk/research/researchcentres/st/thoughtpositionsinsculpture/
Event Location
Huddersfield Art Gallery
Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield
Telephone: 01484 221 964
Email: info.galleries@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://www.hud.ac.uk/research/researchcentres/st/thoughtpositionsinsculpture/