Hud Uni Culture / Events / Tue 10 to Fri 13 May 2022 (4 days)
Huddersfield University Drama Festival 2022: The Audition

I'd do anything for you! I could sing my monologue opera style whilst driving an imaginary tractor or I could do it as tin foil? I can be a confused cheese and ham toastie if you like? What about if I shaved my head and pretend to work in a restaurant but still wear a hair net....would that work? I could describe indescribable without describing it? I could attempt to swallow toothpaste whilst doing a handstand? I could be a fish that has a thirst for water whilst dancing the macarena. What do you want for me? Just tell me....and I'll do it.
Performed by Rae Mitchell
Tickets for all performances are available to purchase through dramaevents@hud.ac.uk
All performances listed are open to all students, staff and members of the public, tickets are £3 for each performance or £1.50 for concessions.
Showing at Studio 3, Sir Patrick Stewart Building
Tuesday 10th May @2.30pm
Wednesday 11th May @11.15am
Thursday 12th May @3.30pm
Friday 13th May @7.30pm
Further information:
On Tuesday 10th May to Friday 13th May 2022 the final year Huddersfield Drama students will be performing their work to audiences as part of the Huddersfield Drama Festival, ‘Common Grounds’.
There are nine different plays, all touching on different genres from comedy to romance and tragedy - there’s definitely something for everyone.
It’s a great chance for our talented students to showcase their work and a chance for the audience to enjoy an excellent piece of theatre!
For more information visit https://www.hud.ac.uk/dramafest/
Event Location
Sir Patrick Stewart Building
University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH
Email: dramaevents@hud.ac.uk
Website: https://www.hud.ac.uk/dramafest/