Hud Uni Culture / Events / Tue 26 Apr 2022
CRIME.PHOTO.NOVEL: The Power of the Book

Murder mysteries have always been considered to have a wide appeal, but where did it all start? The exhibition at Heritage Quay, Huddersfield University displays seminal books which help us to understand how crime novels first became popular from the exploration of creative non-fiction from authors Edgar Allan Poe and Truman Capote, to a selection of fiction and non-fiction crime novels which use photography.
This talk features three perspectives on the crime novel, from its history and origins to the use of photography and a discussion of infamous female serial killers.
Dr Merrick Burrow, Head of English & Creative Writing
Dr Helen Gavin, Subject Lead in Psychology 
Katrina Whitehead, Lecturer in Photography / Creative Writing
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crimephotonovel-the-power-of-the-book-tickets-314546335557
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Access via Eventbrite
Telephone: 01484 258 282
Email: l.velvick@hud.ac.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crimephotonovel-the-power-of-the-book-tickets-314546335557