We joined forces with Worthing WOW to create Scripted4 - a competition for One Act shorts to encourage new and exciting writing for theatre.
40 entries - dissecting, deliberating, debate and discussion led us to the final 4.
Tonight you will see, not complete productions, but an exploration of how we begin to shape the text for performance and take it off the page and onto the stage. Book in hand performances of four very different plays with basic props, minimal costume, representative furniture, no frills - exhilarating theatre!
Did Not Finish by James Withey
Behind all suicidal thoughts there's a story, and a person not so different from you and me.
Tim, Paula and Andrew tell you their tales and explore if there's life, after thoughts about death.
The Car by Emily Hennings
Tom is running. Olivia is running. From London to Edinburgh; Edinburgh to London - desperately trying to escape from their problems.
As these two unlikely misfits collide, they are inextricably forced into soul searching clarity in this story of identity and self realisation.
One hell of a road trip!
From A to B by Judey Bignell
Is it just me? It is just me. Viewing your life as a 3rd party. you don’t like it You realise you’re doing it too. You wonder why you’re doing it too. Do you do anything about it? Maybe later…
Through Snapshots of thoughts, feelings, disquieting truths, From A to B examines the treadmill of life and the echoing solitude of human existence
I Will Survive by Andrew Kay
Elizabeth may not have long to go but she's going out fighting – karaoke, tequila and gay bars are her answer in this heartfelt, bitter-sweet comedy.
4 local writers, 4 new plays, 1 evening
at the Connaught Studio, Worthing @ 7pm
tickets £6.50 from 01903 206206
Scripted 4 is proud to be part of Worthing WOW - a new festival celebrating the joy of words through poetry, film, theatre and books - 40 events across 14 venues from 15 to 22 June
For more information visit http://www.theatreakimbo.co.uk/
Event Location
Conaught Studio
Union Place
West Sussex
BN11 1LG
BN11 1LG
Telephone: 01903 206 206
Email: theatres@worthing.gov.uk
Website: http://www.theatreakimbo.co.uk/