Hoot Creative Arts / Events / Mon 20 Apr to Mon 08 Jun 2015 (2 months)
Breathing Space | Huddersfield

Quality, creative time together for people living with dementia and their partner or carer.
Create With Clay with Dave Helm
Monday’s 10.30 – 12.30
April 20th, 27th | May 11th, 18th |June 1st 8th
(no sessions May 4th & 25th)
Potter, Dave Helm, invites you to create something special and unique, out of clay. Clay is flexible, easy to work with, and the results will be stunning. Come and meet people, have fun and enjoy the mess! Absolutely no previous experience needed, just a willingness to roll you sleeves up and have a go.
The Breathing Space project is pioneering in its all-inclusive approach to the arts, making them accessible and meaningful to all who can come.
Pottery sessions to follow in April
For more information & how to take part check the Hoot website www.hootcreativearts.co.uk or contact Moira or Dave at Hoot: 01484 516224
For more information visit http://hootcreativearts.co.uk/documents/Breathing%20Space%20SK_Sept_14.pdf
Event Location
Hoot Creative Arts
Bates Mill
Milford Street
Telephone: 01484 516 224
Email: info@hootmusic.co.uk
Website: http://hootcreativearts.co.uk/documents/Breathing%20Space%20SK_Sept_14.pdf