Hoot is a flourishing arts & health organisation offering a range of opportunities for people to get involved in music, dance and other creative activities as a way of improving physical and emotional wellbeing. From our base in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, we work with local groups and communities to develop creative projects and services that everyone can take part in.
As specialists working with adults with mental health needs alongside a committed team of experienced community artists, we offer a full programme of quality creative activities with proven benefits for mental health and wellbeing.
Core sessions include harmony singing, drumming & percussion, guitar orchestra, taught forms and improvised dance, song writing and recording, while there are opportunities to explore other art forms like film-making and photography, creative digital technologies, and theatre. With our partner agency AiM (Artists in Mind) we also deliver a range of visual arts activity and creative writing projects.
We work with older people too, including pioneering work using the arts with people living with dementia conditions and their carers and harmony singing for wellbeing for the over 55’s.
With experience gained across Yorkshire and the north of England, Hoot is also able to offer services for purchase: wellbeing at work and workforce development packages, one-off or blocks of workshops, showcase and awareness raising events & performances and consultancy and training.
We believe that everyone has a creative capacity that can help them grow and develop, and that through supporting people to flourish as individuals and groups we can help communities and wider society to grow too.
View my website http://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/
My Location
United Kingdom
Bates Mill
Milford Street
Telephone: 01484 516 224
Email: info@hootmusic.co.uk
Website: http://www.hootcreativearts.co.uk/
My News
Phil cycles Lands End to John O'Groats | Hoot Creative Arts / Tue 02 Jun 2015
Phil will be traversing the length of Great Britain, mostly for fun but also to raise money for Guitar Orchestra, one of Hoot's most well established ...
OUR BIG GIG 2014 | Hoot Creative Arts / Thu 22 May 2014
HOOT Creative Arts have been chosen to be part of a nationwide music festival this summer, OUR BIG GIG! Our Big Gig is a community music celebratio...
HOOT from home | Free online creative activities / Tue 01 Sep 2020 to Mon 01 Mar 2021 (6 months)
HOOT from home Being creative makes you feel good HOOT from home offers accessible creative activities that you can take part in at home. We belie...
Sing with HOOT from home | World Mental Health Day / Sat 10 Oct 2020
A free online singing session for World Mental Health Day. It’s proven that singing makes you feel good and has a positive effect on your mental an...
Women's Digital Audio/Music Workshop / Thu 05 Mar 2020
Women's Digital Audio/Music Workshop A one-off workshop for #InternationalWomensDay for women aged 18+ in Kirklees. Come and have a go at digital a...
Vacancy: (Mental) Health and Wellbeing Coordinator & Producer / Wed 02 Jun 2021
Year of Music 2023 – (Mental) Health and Wellbeing Coordinator & Producer HOOT is looking for an exceptional candidate to realise the ambition and ...
Consultant: Creativity in Offender Personality Disorder Pathways / Mon 12 Apr 2021
Hoot Creative Arts are looking for consultant/s to explore investment readiness potential for creative arts (music, singing and song writing) sessions...
Make Your Mark / Wed 30 Sep 2020
MAKE YOUR MARK with HOOT from HOME - pencil, pen, ink, paint, charcoal, squashed leaves, beetroot juice or dissolved coffee. If you don’t have paper –...
My Videos
'Huddersfield Love Song' by Crooks & Claridge
Crooks and Claridge release their first studio album on Saturday 4th October at Hoot Roots, a series of local gigs run by Huddersfield arts & health c...