Home History Hub / Events / Mon 28 Sep 2020
Spanish Flu Pandemic in Watford - Online Zoom Talk

Abbots Langley Local History Society invite you join a free online talk using Zoom web conferencing. The talk is presented by Helen George. Pre-registration is essential. To register visit www.allhs.org.uk.
Synopsis - It was the first week of October 1918. The Great War was drawing to a victorious end for the Allies, yet the town of Watford was seeing its first case of a mysterious new illness. Over the next few weeks there would be many more cases in the town of the disease which swiftly became known swiftly as Spanish flu, which claimed 228,000 lives in the United Kingdom and 50 million lives worldwide.
For more information visit http://www.allhs.org.uk/
Event Location
Online with ZOOM
Telephone: 01923 677 507
Email: chairman@allhs.org.uk
Website: http://www.allhs.org.uk/